Citizens, merchants and the municipality of Tadoussac have adopted sustainable development deeds and practices. Several projects progressively set in motion have since become part of the town’s daily routine. These successes encourage the development of new initiatives that spring up every year and bring together an ever-growing number of people.
- Installation of a Recharging Station for Electric Vehicles at the Maison du Tourisme;
- The Hovington Farm has resumed several activities since 2013 including greenhouse and open-air cultivation of vegetables and berries; goats and milk production; horses; chickens and egg production;
- Community Gardens: a dozen small gardens cultivated by local residents on the Hovington Farm;
- Weekly Summer Market;
- Citizen-driven Recycling and Reuse of Plant Matter: creation of a repository site for voluntary composting and installation of brown bins for certain businesses;
- Composting and Reuse of Plant Matter by Certain Businesses;
- Purchase of Local or Regionally Produced Foodstuffs by Certain Cafés and Restaurants;
- The Saguenay—St. Lawrence Marine Park and the parc national du Fjord-du-Saguenay;
- The Eco-Whale Alliance.